Volatility, Intermediaries, and Exchange Rates
with Xiang Fang
Journal of Financial Economics
Cubist Systematic Strategies PhD Candidate Award for Outstanding Research, Western Finance Association
An estimated quantitative exchange rates model in which the market participants are intermediaries subject to value-at-risk constraints
Resolve exchange rate puzzles (Backus-Smith, forward premium, volatility, CIP deviation)
implications on vol, intermediary, and fx consistent with the data
​AEA, Cavalcade Asia, EFA, ES Winter, ES European, FIRS, MFA, WFA, Penn, PKU, SJTU, Wharton
Government Policy Approval and Exchange Rates
with Ivan Shaliastovich
Journal of Financial Economics
Measures of U.S. government policy approval are strongly related to the dollar (correlation 50%)
High approval forecasts a decline in the dollar risk premium, a persistent increase in economic growth, and a reduction in future economic volatility
AFA, Cavalcade, EFA, MFA, WFA, Front Range Seminar, ITAM Conference, VSFX, ASU, BI, HKU, Luxemburg School of Finance, NUS, SMU, UT-Dallas, UW-Madison
with Riccardo Colacito, Mariano Croce, and Ivan Shaliastovich
Review of Financial Studies
Best Paper Award, Annual Conference in International Finance
Assess international propagation of output volatility shocks to macroeconomic aggregates and equity prices
An increase in country’s output volatility is associated with a decrease in its output, consumption, and net exports
The average consumption pass-through is 50% (a 1% increase in output volatility increases consumption volatility by 0.5%)
A novel channel of recursive risk sharing of volatility risks explains the finding
AEA, CEPR Gerzensee, ES Winter, SED, WFA, Annual Conference in International Finance, BoC Workshop, Chicago International Macro Finance, Conference on Uncertainty, SAFE Workshop, Stanford SITE, SoFiE, UBC Winter, Columbia, Chicago Fed, Erasmus, Indiana, SF Fed, Tilburg, Virginia, Wharton
Government Debt and Risk Premia
Journal of Monetary Economics​
Risk premia increase with government debt
Debt-to-GDP ratios positively predict risk premia at short and long horizons, in the U.S. and other advanced economies
Higher debt is associated with higher bond and credit risk premia and lower risk-free rates
During high-debt periods, fiscal policy becomes uncertain and ineffective and leads to debt crises
An equilibrium model quantifies these mechanisms
EFA, Conference on Uncertainty, HK Joint Workshop, SoFiE, UMich Mitsui Symposium, World Symposium on Investment Research, BlackRock, CUHK, CUHK-Shenzhen, Philly Fed, Goldman Sachs, NTU, Penn, SSE, Tsinghua PBC, HKU, UW-Madison, Wharton
With Doron Avramov, Abraham Lioui, and Andrea Tarelli
Management Science​
A conditional asset pricing model that integrates ESG demand and supply dynamics
Green assets exhibit positive exposure to ESG demand shocks, hence commanding higher premia
Time-varying convenience yield leads to lower expected returns for green assets
ESG demand shocks have positive contemporaneous effects on unexpected returns, contributing to large positive payoffs in the green-minus-brown portfolio over extended horizons
Getting to the Core: Inflation Risks Within and Across Asset Classes
with Xiang Fang and Nikolai Roussanov
Review of Financial Studies
Core inflation betas of stocks are negative while energy betas are positive
currencies, commodities, and real estate also mostly hedge against energy inflation but not core
only core inflation carries a negative risk premium
The relative contribution of core and energy helps explain the time-varying correlation between stock and bond returns
a two-sector New Keynesian model qualitatively accounts for these facts
NBER LTAM, CICF, EFA, FIRS, MFA, SED, ABFER, ASU Sonoran, Triangle Macro-Finance, VSFX, JHU Conference, Utah Winter, HKU, Kellogg, Wharton
with Lukas Schmid and Amir Yaron
Empirically document and theoretically evaluate a dual role for government debt
An increase in government debt improves liquidity and lowers liquidity premia, while it creates policy uncertainty and raises default risk premia
Interpret and quantitatively evaluate these two channels through a general equilibrium model with risk-sensitive agents subject to liquidity shocks
Increasing safe asset supply can be risky
NBER AP, NBER SI Capital Markets, AFA, EFA, Cavalcade, Cavalcade Asia, CEPR Gerzensee, CICF, SED, Backus Memorial Conference, CEPR Fiscal Policy, Finance Down Under, LBS Symposium, Fed STFM, Red Rock, South Carolina FIFI, Stanford SITE, UBC Winter, ASU, ETH Zurich, Tilburg, UZurich
Volatility (Dis)Connect in International Markets
with Riccardo Colacito, Mariano Croce, and Ivan Shaliastovich
Evidence for the (dis)connect between the volatilities, as opposed to the levels, of consumption differentials and real exchange rates
Volatility correlations are below one, but they are larger than the level correlations
Volatility disconnect weakens for countries with low amount of expected growth risk and high amount of volatility risk
EFA, MFA, UNSW conference
with Ivan Shaliastovich
Elections and State of the Union addresses by the U.S. President announce government policy agenda
Stock market returns on announcement days are about 10-20 times larger than on other days and show pre-announcement drift prior to the address
Announcement returns increase in adverse economic, political and high volatility times
Overall evidence supports the risk premium/uncertainty resolution channel for announcement effects
EFA, CICF, NFA, UNSW conference